French Bulldogs Are The Worst
Are you considering getting a French bulldog? You should read on if you want to know why some people consider French Bulldogs are the worst breed ever.
Many people’s affection for them can be traced back to these characteristics. Among the many reasons French bulldogs are so well-liked is their propensity to show warmth and devotion to their owners.
Love them or hate them, Frenchies are ranked as the #2nd most popular dog breed in the United States by the American Kennel Club.
French Bulldogs have some flaws, but that’s true of any breed. Despite all the praise, prospective owners should know the difficulties of caring for this cute breed. Hence, in this article, we’ll investigate the drawbacks of having a French bulldog as a pet.
11 Reasons Why French Bulldogs are the Worst
Learn 11 reasons, ranging from health concerns to high upkeep requirements, why these trendy canines might not be right for you.
1. They fart a lot
While French Bulldogs have some redeeming qualities, their tendency to fart excessively is not one of them. Their farts are notorious for being especially strong and offensive. French bulldogs frequently surprise their owners by passing a foul gas cloud at inopportune times.
The frequent flatulence can get annoying if you spend a lot of time cuddling up next to your furry pet. The solution is to provide them an easy-to-digest, high-quality, low-fiber food. Due to this, the amount of gas produced by their digestive tract may decrease.
Using a slow feed bowl during mealtimes is another useful tip. The slower eating pattern these bowls encourage may help your dog absorb less air. Making some easy adjustments to your French bulldog’s diet and feeding schedule can reduce the gas he generates, allowing you to spend more quality time with him and less worrying about his farts.
2. Significant Health Concerns
French Bulldogs are irresistibly cute but can have serious health issues. Having to deal with them can be emotionally devastating as well as financially taxing.
Yet, not all Frenchies suffer from the same health problems. You may lessen the likelihood of your Frenchie developing health issues by acquiring it from a reputable, experienced breeder who puts the welfare of the dogs ahead of financial gain.
Despite their health problems, Frenchies live about as long as the average dog, 10 to 12 years. It’s important to remember that Frenchies have more health problems than the typical dog breed. It’s crucial to keep in mind that while these problems are alarming, every dog breeds face their own unique set of health challenges. Even though your Frenchie may have certain health problems, you can still provide a good life with the right care and attention.
3. Expensive Breeders and Vet Bills
Frenchies are undeniably a popular breed, but the subject of their price may be delicate.
A French bulldog puppy will set you back an average of $5,000, with prices ranging from $1,500 to $8,000. However, the cost can vary depending on gender, breeder fame, geographic region, and inherited color and pattern.
Some may think a French bulldog is worth the money, but the costs of treating their health problems can soon skyrocket. This is why pet insurance is necessary, even for owners of young, healthy French bulldogs. Insurance premiums for older dogs with health problems are higher, so it pays to get your dog covered as soon as possible.
4. Prone to Separation Anxiety
The French bulldog breed is well-known for its friendly and devoted nature. However, this trait can cause separation anxiety in some cases. Many dogs suffer from this issue, but Frenchies are especially susceptible.
Clinginess is a frequent personality trait in Frenchies, but separation anxiety is far more acute. Symptoms of separation anxiety in French bulldogs can range from occasional whining and barking to more severe destructive behavior, such as chewing or destroying furniture or other household items.
Some Frenchies with separation anxiety may behave dangerously to reach their owners, putting themselves in potentially harmful situations. French bulldog owners who suffer from separation anxiety may find it difficult to leave their pets alone for long periods.
Training and behavior modification methods can be used to alleviate separation anxiety. Many Frenchies can grow to enjoy their own company and feel less anxious about being left alone if their owners are patient and consistent. The advice of a veterinarian or animal behaviorist can be invaluable to owners who are trying to assist their Frenchie in getting over separation anxiety.
5. Frenchies are demanding
Despite their endearing appearance, French Bulldogs have particular requirements that must be met. The condition of their joints requires special care. Hip dysplasia affects French bulldogs and causes lameness and arthritis due to improper joint alignment. Joint damage can occur if Frenchies are allowed to rush up and down the stairs or leap off of furniture regularly.
French bulldogs also need to be protected from being too hot. Thus air conditioning is necessary. Frenchies can easily overheat in the summer because their short nose makes it difficult to breathe enough air. In warmer weather, owners should avoid leaving their Frenchies in hot cars or subjecting them to strenuous exercise.
Even Frenchies need frequent maintenance for their wrinkles. Bacteria can easily multiply in the creases of their faces. Thus they should be washed frequently.
Because of their hypersensitivity, Frenchies diets need special attention. Dogs should only be given high-quality dog food, not human food, which might cause digestive issues.
6. Stubborn & hard to train
“Frenchies,” as French Bulldogs are affectionately known, are known for being independent and headstrong. Their independence of spirit, while endearing, can make them difficult to train. The Frenchie breed has a bad name for being independent and demanding attention. Trying to teach their Frenchie to do anything specific can be very irritating for their owners.
Frenchies are extremely intelligent and quick to learn new things despite their stubborn nature. They have a high drive to learn and respond effectively to positive reinforcement because of their interest in eating. Their insatiable appetite, though, can make training difficult. A Frenchies motivation to obey may decrease if it realizes there is no reward at the end of the training session.
Frenchies are often distracted and may need help on tasks that don’t interest them, making obedience training more difficult for them than other breeds. French bulldogs are known for being slow learners, so owners must be patient and persistent when teaching new tricks.
7. Sensitive to Hot and Cold
The popularity of French Bulldogs, or “Frenchies,” as household pets have skyrocketed in recent years. The breed is easily recognizable by its unusual flat faces, which could be a health risk. Frenchies have a tough time keeping their body temperatures stable, which is one of their biggest issues.
Frenchies have more difficulty breathing than other dogs because of their short snouts and narrow airways. They are also more likely to overheat and suffer from heat exhaustion, which can be extremely harmful or even fatal. Therefore, Frenchie owners are responsible for ensuring their pets have adequate shelter from the heat.
Cooling down after exercise or physical activity is a major difficulty for Frenchies. They have trouble cooling down after vigorous exercise and tend to overheat more quickly than dogs of non-brachycephalic breeds. As a result, owners need to take it easy on their Frenchies, especially when the temperature outside is high. Heat stroke, brought on by overwork, can be lethal in minutes.
French bulldogs need a lot of fresh water, thus their owners should always provide it for them. They can do this by ensuring their pet has a cool place to rest in the shade, keeping the house cool with air conditioning or fans, and taking frequent breaks while playing outside.
8. Frenchies Shedding
They appear to have little to no shedding due to their short, smooth coat. However, this is different. Although they don’t shed quite as much as Labrador Retrievers or German Shepherds, you’ll still find a lot of hair after a while.
As the saying goes, the coat of a French bulldog can be deceiving. It’s short, thick, and sleek, suggesting it won’t shed much. It’s a fact that Frenchies do shed—sometimes a lot.
As a French bulldog owner, you should anticipate some shedding. The FURminator is useful for controlling your dog’s coat and shedding. Grooming routines, including brushing, bathing, and clipping, can also aid in minimizing hair loss.
It’s also important to note that a French bulldog may not be the greatest choice for someone with dog allergy symptoms. Though no dog breed can be guaranteed never to trigger an allergic reaction, several are less prone to do so than others. French bulldogs are not included in the group. Cats do, however, shed hair and skin, which can aggravate allergy symptoms due to dander, a frequent allergen.
9. Frenchies are noisy
Due to their tiny, flat noses and long soft palate, Frenchies have a particularly unique respiratory rhythm. Their skulls are small and broad, giving them a flattened face and making them brachycephalic dogs. This trait makes them look adorable, but it might make breathing hard for them in hot and humid conditions or while exercising.
Frenchies often have problems with reverse sneezing, which is the fast inhaling air through the mouth instead of the nose. This noise resembles a snort, a gasp, and a horn, and it might be startling to new pet owners who have never heard anything like it. The dog will be fine after the reverse sneezing episode, which typically lasts between 30 seconds and a minute. However, if your Frenchie shows signs of distress or difficulty breathing, you must take it to the vet immediately.
Frenchies are known for their reverse sneezing, but they also snort, snore, and produce other amusing noises all day and night. Some people find these sounds cute and cuddly, but others find them irritating, particularly if they wake them up in the middle of the night. Before getting a Frenchie, you should know about these characteristics, as they won’t change.
French Bulldogs have breathing challenges, so knowing about their specific needs and possible health problems is important before bringing one home. Taking your Frenchie to the doctor regularly, feeding it a healthy diet, and giving it plenty of exercises will help with some of these problems, but you should still be prepared to give it more attention than the average dog. If well taken care of, French Bulldogs can be fantastic pets and a great source of happiness and humor.
10. Not at All Good at Swimming
Many dogs enjoy going for swims. However, French Bulldogs are not among the swimming-proficient breeds. They are poorly suited to the water and are more likely to drown than other breeds because of their short legs and stocky builds. French bulldogs are not good swimmers and can easily wear out in the water, which can cause them to sink.
Due to their build, Frenchies may not be the best swimmers. Its larger fat content makes them less buoyant in water than other dog breeds. They have trouble breathing when swimming because of their short snouts and flattened noses. This can cause tiredness and fatigue, raising the danger of drowning.
Keeping your Frenchie safe in the water is crucial if you want them to enjoy it. A life jacket can prevent your French bulldog from drowning by keeping it afloat. Always watch your Frenchie if they are near or in the water.
11. They lack athleticism
The French bulldog breed is not widely regarded as particularly athletic. Their relaxed demeanor occasionally leads them to slack off. French bulldogs, or “Frenchies,” are known for their propensity to sleep. They can get by with a few short hikes or good indoor fun.
They may experience heat exhaustion and other heat-related health problems due to their lack of fitness. Because of their short muzzles, Frenchies struggle more in muggy climates. They must be better suited to hot temperatures and require frequent access to shade and water.
French bulldogs may not make the finest workout companions, but they still need regular physical activity to avoid weight gain and health issues.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are French Bulldogs good apartment dogs?
French Bulldogs can adapt well to living in apartments or smaller spaces.
Do French Bulldogs have health issues?
French Bulldogs are prone to breathing problems, skin allergies, and hip dysplasia. Veterinary care is important.
How much exercise do French Bulldogs need?
French Bulldogs don’t need a lot of exercise, but regular exercise is important for maintaining a healthy weight and preventing health problems.
French Bulldogs are one of the most appealing and loyal dog breeds, despite their small size and a few unique characteristics. Their unusual appearance, kind disposition, and playful spirit make them a welcome addition to any family or group of friends. Frenchies are one of the best dog breeds available, but it’s necessary to be aware of why people think French Bulldogs Are the ugly and Worst.