White French Bulldog

White French Bulldogs are stunning to see thanks to their spotless coats, cute wrinkles, and endearing personality. Because of their endearing blend of vivacity, loyalty, and unmistakable charm, these small dogs have gained widespread popularity.

White French Bulldog

There’s no doubting the charm of these furry little buddies, whether you’re a seasoned pet owner or just starting out. White Frenchie are the kind of adorable canine companions who can make anyone swoon the moment they set eyes on them.

What Is White French Bulldog

Coat colorWhite is a rare but recognized coat color in French Bulldogs. The inability to make new pigment cells is the result of a recessive gene.
Health concernsWhite Frenchie may be at a higher risk of developing skin conditions such as allergies and sunburn due to their lack of pigment. They may also be prone to deafness, although this is not directly related to their coat color.
CareCare White To maintain a clean and healthy coat, French Bulldogs need to be groomed on a regular basis. They may need sunscreen to protect their skin from UV rays, and owners should monitor them for any signs of skin irritation or inflammation.
Breed standardsThe AKC and other breed organizations recognize White bulldogs, but they may be disqualified from conformation shows if they have any other coat color or if they have any non-white markings.
Breeding considerationsWhite Frenchie should only be bred with other white or fawn dogs to avoid producing puppies with unwanted coat colors or patterns. Breeders should also prioritize health testing and avoid breeding dogs with known health issues.
What Is White French bulldog

The White French Bulldog is an accepted subtype of the regular French Bulldog according to the American Kennel Club (AKC). Nonetheless, it’s worth noting that the AKC does not recognize White French Bulldogs as a distinct breed or variety. To put it another way, apart from the color of their coat, they are evaluated according to the same breed standard as standard-colored French Bulldogs.

According to the American Kennel Club’s breed standard, brindle, fawn, white, cream, brindle and white, and fawn and white are all considered acceptable coat colors for French Bulldogs. Hence, French Bulldogs are considered acceptable under the breed standard, but only with the caveat that this coloration is the product of a recessive gene and is therefore not the standard for the breed.

White Frenchie Variations

While the White French Bulldog is not a separate breed, there are a few variations of this color that you may come across:

  • Pure White: These Frenchie have a completely white coat with no markings or spots.
  • Cream: Cream Frenchie have a coat that is slightly off-white or ivory in color, often with a pink or beige undertone.
  • White and Fawn: This variation features a white coat with fawn-colored patches on the face, ears, and body.
  • White and Brindle: Similar to the white and fawn variation, these Frenchie have a white coat with brindle patches instead of fawn.
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It’s important to note that these variations are still considered to be within the standard French Bulldog breed and are recognized by the AKC. However, breeders should be careful not to intentionally breed for coat color at the expense of the dog’s health and well-being. Responsible breeders prioritize the health and temperament of their dogs over coat color or other physical traits.

How much is a White French Bulldog?

Several factors affect how much a White French Bulldog costs, including the breeder’s reputation, the dog’s lineage, and the dog’s age and sex. Getting a White French Bulldog puppy from a good breeder will cost you about $2,500–$5,000. On the other hand, if a breeder is selling puppies for an extremely low price, it’s probably a red flag that they’re engaging in unethical breeding procedures or that the puppies have some sort of health issue.

How much is a White French Bulldog?

It’s important to remember that buying a White French Bulldog is just the beginning of the ongoing financial commitment that comes with having a dog. The costs of feeding, grooming, veterinary care, and training your pet should also be factored in.

What White Frenchie look like?

White Frenchie can be easily distinguished from other French Bulldog colors due to their unique appearance. Here are some common physical characteristics of White Frenchie:

  • White coat: As the name suggests, White Bulldogs have a predominantly white coat that can range from pure white to a creamy off-white color.
  • Dark eyes: White Frenchie typically have dark brown or black eyes that stand out against their light-colored coat.
  • Compact body: Like all French Bulldogs, White Frenchie have a compact, muscular body with a broad chest and a short, sturdy build.
  • Flat face: Another hallmark of the French Bulldog breed is their flat, wrinkled face with a broad, square-shaped muzzle.
  • Small ears: White Frenchie have small, bat-like ears that are set high on their head and typically stand erect.
  • Short tail: French Bulldogs have a naturally short, stubby tail that is often described as “screwed” or “corkscrewed.”
  • Stocky legs: White Frenchie have short, stocky legs that are well-muscled and contribute to their overall sturdy appearance.

Overall, White French Bulldogs are an adorable and distinctive breed that is sure to turn heads wherever they go!

What White Frenchie look like?

The Role of Color in Hearing in French Bulldogs

There is no indication that a dog’s hearing would be affected by a lack of pigment cells in its coat, nor is there any correlation between a dog’s coat color and its ability to hear. There is no correlation between the presence or lack of pigment cells and the maturation of the cilia in the canine inner ear. When discussing issues of animal health and genetics, it is critical to rely on facts that have been independently confirmed.


Are White French Bulldogs more prone to health issues than other colors?

While coat color itself does not directly impact a dog’s health, White Frenchie may be more prone to certain health issues due to their lack of pigment. Skin conditions such as allergies and sunburn may be more common, and some White bulldogs may be at a higher risk for deafness.

Can White French Bulldogs participate in conformation shows?

Yes, White Frenchie can participate in conformation shows, but they may be disqualified if they have any other coat color or if they have any non-white markings. Breed standards typically require French bulldogs to have a solid coat color with no other markings or patterns.

Do White French Bulldogs require special care?

White Bulldogs require regular grooming to keep their coat clean and healthy. They may also need sunscreen to protect their skin from UV rays, and owners should monitor them for any signs of skin irritation or inflammation.

Are White French Bulldogs rare?

Yes, White Frenchie are considered rare but recognized by breed organizations. They are caused by a recessive gene that inhibits the production of pigment cells, resulting in a white coat.

Can White French Bulldogs be bred with other colors?

White bulldogs should only be bred with other white or fawn dogs to avoid producing puppies with unwanted coat colors or patterns. Breeding them with other colors can result in a range of coat colors and patterns that may not meet breed standards.


A recessive gene that suppresses the development of pigment cells is responsible for the white coat color seen in some but not all French Bulldogs. Despite the fact that the color of a dog’s coat has no bearing on its health, White French Bulldogs may be more predisposed to a number of medical problems, including skin diseases and hearing. They should only be bred with other white or fawn dogs to keep the breed standards, and they need frequent grooming and monitoring for skin disorders. Although White Frenchie are uncommon, those that match the show’s requirements can enter conformation competitions. While a dog’s coat is only one part of their look, the health and breeding implications of varied coat colors should still be taken into account.

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